Zucchine Artigianali

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Azienda Agricola Anzalone

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icon label NoGMO 2
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icon label free chemical 2
icon label no color 2
icon label NoGMO 2
icon label vegan 2
Zucchine asciugate al sole,sale,aceto,origano,olio extravergin d'oliva

Produced according to a Local Recipe, zucchini in oil are ideal for savoring the taste of freshly harvested zucchini throughout the year.

Sliced into fillets and immersed strictly in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, every stage, from harvesting to processing, is carried out By Hand, ensuring that the zucchini are a high-quality artisanal product.

The Anzalone Agricultural Company in the lands of Flumeri carefully tends to its vegetables in an Organic manner, selecting only the best and ensuring high standards of safety and hygiene.

The nutritional benefits


The manufacturer’s advice

Sono adatte per essere abbinate ad antipasti, come stuzzichini per aperitivi e per guarnire bruschette