Cibo Bio, Stagionale e a Km0 - No Food Coloring, Ingredienti naturali e senza coloranti - Scopri l'Alimentare Vero Biologico e fai scelte consapevoli

Passate di Pomodoro Online? Choose Quality for Your Dishes!

Our selection of online tomato purées includes a variety of sauces and purées made with high-quality tomatoes and according to the best Italian traditions. Our range of purées and ready-made sauces is designed to offer you the best of Italian culinary tradition, with the guarantee of fresh and high-quality products. From simple sauces to more elaborate ones, each product is created with care and passion, using ripe tomatoes and without the use of preservatives.

A Variety of Purées and Sauces for Every Need

From classic tomato purée to datterini purée, both yellow and red, grown and processed with sustainable methods. Try the typical Irpinian “Ciambottella” and fall in love with the simple tastes of local tradition.