Peperoni ripieni Artigianali

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Azienda Agricola Anzalone

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icon label no color 2
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icon label vegan 2
Peperoncino (deliziosamente piccante),tonno,olio d'oliva,aceto,sale,olio extravergine d'oliva

A typical product of Southern Italy, Stuffed Peppers, also known as "bombette," are a delicious Specialty, often prepared by grandmothers, that has graced tables for generations.

Prepared with salt and vinegar and filled with tuna, they are preserved in extra virgin olive oil. The peppers are transformed Artisanally, all strictly by hand, while more significant processing steps involve the use of machinery for increased hygiene and preservation safety.

The Anzalone Agricultural Company, located among the green hills of Flumeri and specializing in Organic cultivation, works on these peppers while preserving ancient local traditions.

The nutritional benefits


The manufacturer’s advice

Ottimi per antipasti e come stuzzichini per aperitivi.