Olio varieta Ravece

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Azienda Agricola BelloFatto

icon label no color 2
icon label vegan 2
icon label free chemical 2
icon label nitrate 2
icon label free chemical 2
icon label nitrate 2
icon label no color 2
icon label vegan 2
Olive varieta ravece

Ravece Olive Oil represents the authenticity of the Irpinian Lands, an extraordinary variety of olives that embodies the millennia-old history of these lands and the dedication to quality oil production.

The Manual harvesting of olives and the artisanal mill characterize the production process. The care in the milling process preserves the unique characteristics of this variety.

The Bellofatto Agricultural Company, with lands distributed in Torella dei Lombardi, preserves the tradition of generations, cultivating the land with respect, an authentic expression of the Irpinian Territory that reflects in every drop of this oil.

The nutritional benefits


The manufacturer’s advice

Ideale da consumare su pietanze a cottura ultumata,carne alla griglia,insalate,bruschette ecc…