What Does Km 0 means

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What Does Km0 Mean and How to Become More Sustainable

The term "km 0" has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in relation to the purchase of food and agricultural products. But what does it exactly mean, and how can we adopt it in our daily lives?


1. Origin of the Term "Km 0"

The concept of km 0 originated in Italy in the early 2000s. The idea was to promote the consumption of local products, thereby reducing the distances that food travels from the place of production to the place of consumption.

2. What Km 0 Means

Km 0 refers to products that are grown, raised, or produced very close to the place of sale or consumption, usually within a maximum of 100 kilometers. This concept can apply to various types of products, but it is most commonly associated with food products.

Benefits of Km 0

Reduction of Environmental Impact

Shorter transportation distances mean less CO2 emissions.

Support for the Local Economy

By purchasing local products, you support local producers.

Quality and Flavor

The short supply chain ensures that products better retain their organoleptic qualities.

Fresher Products

Km 0 products are often fresher and in season, having traveled less distance to reach the consumer.

Knowledge of Origin

It is easier to trace the origin of the products and know who produces them.

How to Recognize Km 0 Products

• Farmers' Markets: Places where local producers sell their products directly.

• Specialized Stores: Some stores, including online and supermarket chains, promote local and km 0 products.

• Labels and Certifications: In many countries, there are specific labels that indicate km 0 products.

How to Adopt a Km 0 Lifestyle

• Conscious Shopping: Prefer local markets and pay attention to labels.

• Reduce Waste: Plan meals and buy only what is necessary.

• Join Solidarity Purchasing Groups (GAS): Join groups that buy directly from local producers.


The terminology "km 0" primarily refers to agricultural products, especially fruits and vegetables, which, thanks to growing consumer awareness, are increasingly becoming part of our eating habits. This trend is driven by the desire to support the local economy, reduce environmental impact, and obtain fresher and more nutritious products, in an era where environmental sustainability is constantly growing.

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