How to Store Ancient Grain Flour

whole grains
Posted in: Grani Antichi

How to Store Ancient Grain Flour

 Summer brings with it high temperatures and humidity, which can pose a challenge for food preservation, especially flour. This is particularly true for flour derived from ancient grains, which has not been genetically modified for intensive production and is therefore more susceptible to deterioration.

Why is Ancient Grain Flour More Delicate?

Ancient grain flour, such as spelt, Kamut, buckwheat, or Saragolla, retains many of its nutritional and organoleptic properties intact. However, it is also more vulnerable to attacks from insects, mold, and spoilage.


Optimal Storage of Flour in Summer



1. Airtight Containers: To protect the flour from moisture and insects, it is essential to store ancient grain flour in airtight containers. Glass jars with screw lids or well-sealed plastic containers are ideal.

2. Cool and Dry Place: The flour should be stored in a cool and dry place. During the summer, you might consider storing the containers in the refrigerator or a cool cellar, as long as they are tightly sealed to avoid condensation.

3. Freezer: Another effective method is freezing the flour. This does not alter the properties of the flour and protects it from insects and mold. Simply portion the flour into freezer-safe plastic bags and thaw only the amount needed.

4. Buying in Small Quantities: Purchasing small quantities of ancient grain flour more frequently can be a winning strategy to prevent the flour from being unused for too long, thereby reducing the risk of spoilage.

What About the Storage of Other Ancient Grains?

Not only flour, but also whole grains and pasta made from ancient grains require careful storage, especially during the summer. Here are some tips:

1. Room Temperature Storage: Dry pasta made from ancient grains and whole grains can be stored at room temperature in a cool, dry place, away from heat sources and direct light.

2. Moisture-Proof Containers: Like flour, grains should also be stored in well-sealed containers to prevent moisture. Glass or plastic containers with airtight lids can be used.

3. Avoid the Refrigerator: Unlike flour, pasta and grains should not be stored in the refrigerator, as humidity can compromise their quality.



Etymology of the Word Flour

The term "flour" we use today directly derives from the Latin "far," which means spelt.

Spelt was considered sacred by the Romans, so much so that its cultivation and use were closely linked to religious and ceremonial practices. One of the most important ceremonies involving spelt was the "confarreatio," an ancient marriage rite reserved for the patrician classes.

During this ceremony, the couple shared a spelt cake called "panis farreus" as a symbol of union, fertility, and prosperity.

This rite not only sanctioned the marriage but also established a sacred bond between the spouses and the gods, highlighting the centrality of spelt in Roman spirituality.

Confarreatio was one of the three forms of Roman marriage, and the oldest. In addition to sharing the spelt bread, the ceremony included other ritual practices, such as the sacrifice of an animal and the reading of sacred formulas.

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