How to Make a Celery Salt


How to Make Aromatic Celery Salt

Making aromatic celery salt at home is possible and represents a wonderful way to test your skills and add a touch of freshness and aroma to your culinary preparations.

This versatile seasoning not only adds flavor but can also be customized with a variety of spices to suit your preferred tastes.


  • 4-5 stalks of fresh celery (preferably dark celery, which has a more intense flavor)

  • Spices to taste (e.g., black pepper, garlic powder, sweet paprika, cumin, etc.)


1. Wash and dry the celery stalks and cut them into 2-3 cm pieces.

2. In a bowl, mix the celery pieces with the chosen spices.

3. Spread the celery pieces on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake in a preheated oven at 80 degrees Celsius for about 2-3 hours, until the celery is well dried.

4. Once dried, transfer it to a mixer and grind until you get a fine powder.


Usage Tips:

  • Use aromatic celery salt as a substitute for regular salt to enhance the flavor of soups, stews, sauces, and salads.
  • Add it directly to ready-made dishes for an aromatic touch.
  • It is particularly useful for enhancing the flavor of vegetables without adding too much sodium.

Celery Salt from Gesualdo

Gesualdo is an Italian town located in the Campania region, specifically in the province of Avellino. This small town is situated in the hills of Irpinia, an area famous for its rich agricultural and gastronomic tradition.

This town is known for its cultivation of celery with tall, robust stalks and a bright green color.

The celery from Gesualdo and the salt produced are part of the culinary culture of the area and have been recognized as Slow Food Presidia. This is because the producers promote sustainable agricultural practices that preserve this variety of celery.

Renowned for its distinctive flavor and the care taken in the harvesting and processing stages, this variety of celery salt is recognized internationally for its uniqueness and ability to add flavor with minimal or no addition of common table salt.


Short on Time?

If you don't have time to make celery salt at home and don't know where to find it, you can easily purchase Gesualdo celery salt and other seasonings from various online shops. These shops offer a wide range of products, often hard to find in supermarkets and small stores, ensuring the quality and authenticity of a product delivered conveniently to your home.

This aromatic celery salt is a tasty and customizable addition to your pantry, perfect for reducing sodium intake in your diet without completely eliminating it, as the risks of eating completely without salt are various.

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