The Worst Enemy of Organic is Artisanal Organic

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The Worst Enemy of Organic is Artisanal Organic

This is cited by Claude Aubert, father of organic development, in one of his interviews.

But what's the difference between Industrial Organic and Artisanal Organic:

Industrial Organic refers to the large-scale production of organic products, often managed by companies that adopt industrial practices and technologies to maximize yield and productivity. This approach includes the use of heavy machinery, cultivation on vast lands, and the use of external inputs for fertilization and pest control. These practices, even if later certified organic, are not in line with the principles of organic agriculture including environmental sustainability and biodiversity.


Artisanal Organic refers to organic production managed on a smaller scale by farmers and artisanal producers, who practice crop rotation, use organic fertilizers like compost or manure, and emphasize sustainability, biodiversity, and environmental respect. Although production may be limited compared to industrial, it aims to maintain superior quality and preserve natural resources.

The choice between artisanal and industrial organic reflects the priorities of consumers. Those who value sustainability, quality, and connection with local communities may prefer artisanal organic products. On the other hand, those seeking cheaper prices and wide availability may opt for industrial organic.

However, it's important to consider the environmental and social impact of your dietary choices. Therefore, it's crucial to educate yourself and support agricultural practices that promote the health of the planet and people.

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