Zuppa di Fagioli

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Azienda Agricola Campanaro

Gluten Free
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Gluten Free
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The Bean Soup is a tribute to the delicacies of our land, where carefully selected raw materials and Manual Processing following age-old recipes convey the true essence of Irpinian culinary tradition.

The legumes, including the Quarantino Beans from Volturara Irpina, Borlotti, Black Beans, and Fasuli Belli, are cultivated in fields without artificial fertilizers. Harvesting is done by hand, respecting traditions. This Natural Approach preserves the authentic quality of legumes, rich in plant proteins and fibers, contributing to a healthy and balanced diet.

Located in Volturara Irpina, the fields of the Campanaro Agricultural Company embody the soul of Bean Soup. The unique temperature range provided by the mountains is reflected in the Distinctive Flavor of the legumes, expertly boiled in water and salt only, ensuring a taste and authenticity at your fingertips.

The manufacturer’s advice

Ottimi abbinati alle lagane e come primo piatto, o come aggiunta ad insalate e zuppe regaleranno alle tue ricette quel tocco di sapore e bontà.