Pesto di aglio Orsino

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Azienda Agricola Il Moera

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Aglio Orsino Al 43,5%, Olio Di Semi Di Girasole, Olio Extravergine Di Oliva, Sale

Wild garlic, also known as bear's garlic, is a wild form of garlic with an aromatic fragrance and flavor. It has fleshy bright green leaves, with star-shaped white flowers, and gets its name from the fact that bears, upon coming out of hibernation, used to eat it in large quantities to purify themselves after the long rest.

The Wild Garlic Pesto, prepared artisanally with extra virgin olive oil, captures the distinctive fragrance of the undergrowth and the freshness of wild garlic.

Il Moera, immersed in the beauty of Avella, more precisely in lower Irpinia among hazelnut groves, vineyards, olive groves, and orchards, extends its horizon to the mountains surrounding its territory and gives life to the Wild Garlic Pesto.

The nutritional benefits
