Desnuda – Gluten-Free Ale –

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Birrificio Ventitre

Gluten Free
icon label no color 2
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Gluten Free
icon label no color 2
acqua, malto d'orzo,luppolo,lievito

The gluten-free light beer "Desnuda" is a tribute to women, pure and simple, as described by Neruda, emphasizing a beauty without artifice, celebrating the purity of raw materials, sourced from Irpinian lands, and free of gluten.

Characterized by floral and slightly spicy aromas, with a light body and a dry finish, and a gluten content below 20ppm, the bitterness level of 1/5 makes this beer extremely drinkable.

The Ventitrè Brewery in Grottaminarda embraces the art of creating beers that satisfy a wide range of palates while respecting the needs of those following a gluten-free diet.

The manufacturer’s advice

Abbinamenti consigliati: Pasta con verdure, insalata di riso, carne bianca, insalate, salumi magri e formaggi freschi.