Perfect Packaging, Impeccable Experience

Posted in: The World we Love

Perfect Packaging, Impeccable Experience

Packaging plays a fundamental role in product protection: it is responsible for preserving the content, maintaining its organoleptic properties if it is food (taste, aromas, freshness, consistency...) and protecting it throughout its journey until consumption.

An area still underestimated by many but is currently experiencing significant growth thanks to social media. Many companies aim to be "Instagrammable" to grow their brand and gain visibility. Great examples are the famous brands Coca Cola and Nutella, which, with the customization of jars and bottles, have conquered entire platforms.

Sustainability is Better

Not to forget the sustainability aspect: the European Union's goal is to make packaging 100% sustainable by 2030. For this reason, eco-friendly materials or certified solutions such as FSC paper are preferred. Another important aspect is recyclability. Packaging, to showcase its ecological mission, should be easy to recycle to encourage consumers to adopt responsible behavior. Taking care of packaging can, therefore, translate into increased visibility through shares from your loyal customers.

January 22, 2024
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