Terms & Policies

1. Who we are and how to contact us

Good S.Low Food srl is a limited liability company registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Monza Brianza, Lodi with RAE MI–2610234number, VAT number 11543480963 and PEC address gs.food@pec.it

2. When these terms apply

Every order placed on our website is subject to the conditions of sale set out in this section and with which you will understand how we will provide you with the products, how it is possible to modify or conclude the contract, what it is possible to do in case of problems with the order,our policy regarding the issuance of refunds and other important information.

These conditions of sale should be read in conjunction with:

  • Our Privacy policy.
  • Our Cookies Policy.

By ordering a product from us, you declare that you have read, understood, and accepted these conditions of sale, the Privacy and Cookie Policy.

In case of non-acceptance of these conditions of sale, it will not be possible to make any orderor purchase of the products sold by Good S.LowFood.

Please read these conditions of sale carefully and print a copy for future reference.

3. Changes to the Terms

We may revise some of the terms on this page; we advise you to check it every time you are about to place an order, to be aware of all the conditions applied at the time of purchase.


Our right to refuse or cancel a contract

The fulfillment of all orders on this platform is subject to availability. We expressly reserve the right not to accept your order for any reason.

We also reserve the right to cancel an Agreement by written notice to you in the situations listed below,without being liable for any damages or costs other than reimbursement of theamount received by you in connection with the cancelled Agreement:

  • The product is not in stock.
  • Your billing information is incorrect or unverifiable.
  • We make sure you are a reseller.
  • Si there is an error in the price displayed on the Platform.
  • It is not possible to deliver tothe address provided by you.
  • For reasons of force majeure independent of us.

4. The contract

The acceptance of the order takes place when, from our systems, the confirmation and order acceptance email is generated and sent; from that moment the sales contract comes into force.

Although we will do our best to process any order, sand should not be able to do so, for the circumstances set out in point 3.1, we will inform you as soon as possible,by written notice and with full refund.

5. Our products

All product descriptions and images presented on our website are provided in complete goodfaith, while remaining for illustrative purposes. Our products, not being industrial and subject to standardized production processes on a large scale, may consequently present differences in shape and color compared to those displayed on our site. For some fresh products, which require specific cuts, such as meat and cheese, the weight may slightly fluctuate compared to the reference one reported on the site. The cutting is carried out by our suppliers, experienced people but not industrial machines that could guarantee complete precision.

Please note that we do not guarantee that all products presented on the website will be availableat the time of purchase.

6. Our prices

The price of the product is the one indicated in thepage at the end of check out. All prices shown on the website are in Euros and include VAT. Delivery costs are always displayed at check out with a specific item of detail.

We take reasonable care to keep prices up to date on the website and make sure that there are no errors in our prices, however it is possible that some of the products we sell have an incorrect price. In this case we may terminate the contract, refund you all sums paid.

We also reserve the right to change prices on the site at any time.

7. Your use of the products

The user acknowledges that he constantly and consciously adopts a careful and responsible use behavior of our products; incidentally, always read the expiration date shown on each of the food products delivered by us, in advance of use, making sure that the expiration date is later than that of use and scrupulously follow the technique of preservation of the product as indicated on the relevant page of the site or label on the product itself.

It is also expressly recommended to follow the advice of use of our manufacturers, reported in the product section, to fully appreciate the quality of the products.

You acknowledge that you are authorized to use the products only for your own family purposes and that you are not authorized to use them for commercial purposes.

8. We own the intellectual property of the contents of the site

You acknowledge that we own all the rights to the trademarks and domains registered in the name of Good S.Low Food and the intellectual property rights of the media content of the site: photos, videos, and infographics, cannot be reproduced for purposes other than those of the mere personal use of the service of consultation and purchase of products.

9. How to order products?

When you have found a product of your interest, select it and then click "Add to cart". This way you will add it to your "virtual cart". Once you have added the products of your interest you can proceed with the payment by clicking on "Proceed with the checkout" or the alternative, continue browsing the site to addnand others. The virtual shopping cart will remain active throughout the browsing session. However, in the event of prolonged inactivity on the site, a connection gap may be generatedand the selection of products may be lost. In that case, you will be asked to re-enter the products in the cart. Please note that the products in the cart are not reserved and can be purchased by other customers until you have completed your order.

10. Payment

During the checkout process, you will be asked to complete your payment details. All highlighted fields must be filled in. Please note that we will collect, store and use your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. The payment service providers on our site are PayPal and Stripe (for card payment); international providers that guarantee the best levels of security and privacy on the market.

All card payments are subject to authorization by the card issuer. If your payment is not authorized, we will cancel your order.

If we are unable to provide you with the products you have ordered, we will cancel your order and inform you of this as soon as possible. We will refund you in full if you have already been charged for the products.

11. Delivery of Products

The customer can choose the delivery day from those available on the checkout calendar. Deliveries of fresh products are made in full compliance with the cold chain, using temp-guard kraft paper cushions and dry ice, an eco-friendly, certified, and fully recyclable solution that meets the standards of the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA), ensuring temperature maintenance for up to 48 hours. Once the order is ready, we will send a shipment confirmation email. If delivery is not possible because the customer is not present at the agreed time, we will make a second delivery attempt the following day. From the second day onwards, we will not make further delivery attempts. This is because we cannot guarantee the quality and freshness of the product beyond this time limit. We therefore encourage you to be present at the time of delivery or to arrange an alternative pickup method if you are not available, by delegating third parties in the appropriate section.

The days on which you can buy online, are Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,this to ensure that the products always arrive fresh and within a maximum limit of 72/96 hours from the execution of the order,thus avoiding that they remain stuck in stock during the interruption of the STEF logistics service,scheduled for Saturday days and of Sunday.

Delivery will take place at the address specified in the order. If you are not at home at the time of delivery, we will try to contact you by phone at the number provided. In case of non-delivery, the products will be kept in stock by STEF and the next day the shipment will be rescheduled. We will try to contact you and organize delivery until the next two days,after which your order will be delivered to the Caritas of your municipality ....

When the order is shipped by STEF you will receive an emailnotification. From that moment it is reasonable that you can receive the products within 48 hours.

If our supply of the products is delayed by an event beyond our control, we will contact you as soon as possible to inform you and take steps to minimize the effect of thedelay.

12. Complaints and Refunds

If a product breaks during shipping or due to problems with the shipment arrives decayed, you can request a partial or full refund of the purchase made.

If you wish to exercise this right, we ask you to send us an e-mail to reclami@foodentyco.it,indicating your personal data, the order number and the product (s) for which you make a complaint, describing in the text of the email the reason for the problem and attaching the images useful to prove the reasons. We will reply as soon as possible to give you our feedback and possibly proceed to make the refund you are entitled to.

13. Change your mind and cancel anorder

An order that has already been dispatched and confirmed cannot be canceled.