
Digital Services for the authenticity

High-profile digital services to support the genuineness, authenticity, and flavors of the typical agri-food product of small local Italian realities

Digital 100

We are a young company, Digital-Born and Data-Centric! The adoption of the best open-source digital platforms, offered by the international communities of developers, research centers and freelancers, for the management of the "Magento 2" e-commerce and the internal services of the "Odoo" company, allows us, on the one hand, to guarantee high standards of customer care, on the other, to streamline our management and logistics processes, with positive repercussions on business costs and therefore on the price charged at the sale.


GDPR Complaiant

Our digital services platform, structured with a modular logic, has allowed us to purchase a vertical application designed specifically for the management of our customers' privacy legislation. In your personal area you can request the anonymization of your data or possibly the cancellation, in the regulatory terms "right to be forgotten", in the event that you decide you no longer want to be our customer. In addition, for each action taken on our site: account registration, subscription to the newsletter, purchase of products and so on, you will be given the opportunity to provide your consents and consult our policies.


Cyber Secure

We have worked to ensure that our small company size is not a limit to achieving a secure digital and operational environment for our company. Microsoft Azure Cloud services in Sync with our On-Premise Domain Server and Firewall make our network accessible only with users registered in Active Directory and with devices registered in Intune MAM. Our employees' laptops are bitlocker-encrypted, passwords managed in LastPass with authentication and two-factor methods, and remote access via VPN. The combination of these actions allows us to minimize the risks of Bata Breach for our customers.


Cloud Based

One of the advantages of being a digital startup is to have fertile ground in choosing the optimal configuration between the internalization and outsourcing of services and components between the on-premise environment and cloud environments, which today are guarantors of high standards of versatility, scalability and security. Our Magento and Odoo servers reside in the Cloud DC of our digital service providers, access management, MDM and MAM in Microsoft Azure, document, storage and geolocation services in Google Cloud. The Cloud for a young company like ours allows us to leverage on services once accessible only to large companies, with positive repercussions on the service offered to the end customer.


Automated Logistic

The specificity of the food and wine sector, made up mainly of fresh food products, with short expiration dates and with a high rate of rotation of the goods, has placed us in front of an important challenge: to design efficient and safe logistics processes. And it is precisely on this functional area on which we have leveraged the capabilities offered by our digital platforms. Calculation algorithms on delivery dates, packing and shipping, automatic purchase orders, checks and reports of product expiration dates coded in ERP, automated operational-financial cycles (order-invoice-payment-bank reconciliation) , are some of the solutions of which today the company boasts to operate at its best in favor of the end customer.


Customer Relationship Management

Niche business today offers us the huge opportunity to maintain trusted personal relationships with our customers. Foodentyco wants to make this vision its own, representing for the customer an important point of reference for the purchase of food and wine products. With the adoption of one of the market leading software in the field of Automation Marketing for Small and Medium Businesses, today we can relate to the customer with personalized communications, follow and accompany his journey, step by step, from account registration to purchase and / or subsequent purchases made on our site, as well as involve him in the initiatives of our community.
